What is the Best Day for the Stock Market?
What is the best day for the stock market? Article Source: opendemataccount.com
People answer this question is a very common way, in many states as every day and every minute we can earn money if we quire knowledge. But with my experience I say – definitely, your question is million $ worth and we can select a particular day and time for trading. Let me brief on that as per my perception.
Month Begins from date 1 and ends at date 30 or 31. In this period there will be a variation of volume of traders, generally, people get salaries and salaried people only take a major share in the volume contribution. 85% of the people are middle-class salaries and regular earnings-based traders in the Indian market. So, months beginning volume of shares traded and raise in LTP with volatility will be very good. So this concludes before the 15th of any month stocks will be much volatile and they may be both upside and downside.
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Considering week now, which day of the week is good for trading? lets me an answer, Monday is a fresh day and generally, Friday unsold shares will be sold with Monday and Tuesday fresh shares will be accumulated, Thursday weekly nifty expire and Friday market ends, so a lot of selling activities happen in months last 2 weekends. but the first 2 weeks’ beginning days are good to buy and sell within the week. holding till month end will make your volume suffer and stock volatility through nifty fluctuate sufficiently, stocks will not move.

Likewise when we consider the entire year then we can see a lot of parameters impacting every month, quarterly reports, Rate cuts, Natural calamities, Elections, and financial year-end reporting will also impact every month, probably static months like February, April, May, July, August, September, November makes the good month of trading as there will be no financial data influence. Remaining every month we can see one or the other event happening. However, natural calamities like flood, earth-quack, or countries’ borders disputes and wars also impact the market without any time schedule.
Hope this experience based knowledge help you some day 🙂 🙂
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